Wednesday, June 2, 2010

inventing a new recipite, by vali

Tonight I invented a new recipe which I am going to share with you. So I had two handfull of rucola salad from our garden and I torn with hand, 3 green onions also from our garden and I chopped a few fresh basil leaves from my pot, chopped, 1 big tomatoe chopped. then I fryed 7 mushroom chopped and 1 zuchini thinly sliced in 3 tablespoon of olive oil. I also fryed 100g of bacon cut in thin strips. I set them aside to cool off. I mixed all ingredients in a large bowl with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper. And the result was yammy!!! Me and Lau enjoy eating it!!!!!
If you like this kind of mix, have fun trying it!!!!


  1. It is wonderful to see this blog. I am currently reading "Prophetic Imagination." I see you just finished it. It is very very good so far.
    We miss you both!
