1. Monday I had a day off. I stayed home and started my final paperwork for finishing the class for social work degree. With this degree our center will have a qualified social work for who we prayed in last few years because it was required by the Labor Office. It's not this what is exciting, but the fact that we have 3 new candidate who kind of want to work with us and have social work degree. So if they are going to be call by God, maybe they will work with us. I hope we have the wisdom to discern and let God lead us in this process.
2. Monday afternoon we had our first meeting with our Sabbatical committee for planning our sabbatical. It's exciting and anxious in the same time about what we are going to do for several months! I am going to write more about this later on.
3. Lau starts to work on our house. Yesterday he was helped by Paul and Tom to remove the provisory roof. Today he started to build the second floor of our house. We bought the wood about a month ago and put it in our courtyard to get dry.
4. I am so exciting that my brother Nelu, who leaves in US, will come in Galati to visit with my niece, Evi and my nephew, Samuel. I did not see Evi since she was 4 yo (she will be 8 yo in July 14th) and I never meet Samuel since he was born. Nelu will come also with a team form of 5 people from his church who wants to visit and help us at Casa 'La vale.'
We love you, Lau and Vale.