Sunday, July 24, 2011

de-abstractization=making things simpler

In order to understand each other, there are a few things we can consider. One of them, as it is presented by a few personality types studies, have to do with the way we use “tools”.
Some of us will use the “tools” starting with the tool, and using it for the purpose it had been created. This is shortened to being Cooperative.
Some of us will use the “tools” starting from the result, the goal of our action, and just then picking any tool that will lead to the intended result. This is to be Utilitarian.
Next is a more detail description of the difference,
In Wikipedia. Retrieved July 24, 2011, from
§  "The second ring: cooperative versus pragmatic (utilitarian)
Keirsey uses the words cooperative (complying) and pragmatic (adaptive) when comparing the differing temperaments. People who are cooperative pay more attention to other people's opinions and are more concerned with doing the right thing. People who are pragmatic (utilitarian) pay more attention to their own thoughts or feelings and are more concerned with doing what works. There is no comparable idea of Myers or Jung that corresponds to this dichotomy, so this is a significant difference between Keirsey's work and that of Myers and Jung.
This ring, in combination with the inner ring, determines a person's temperament. The pragmatic temperaments are Rationals (pragmatic and abstract) and Artisans (pragmatic and concrete). The cooperative temperaments are Idealists (cooperative and abstract), andGuardians (cooperative and concrete). Neither Myers nor Jung included the concept of temperament in their work."

If all this is too much information, here is a simpler way of showing the difference.